Thursday, March 31, 2011

Needing the Enemy

I did something today that I didn't think I would do nor that I wanted to do but did it as a last resort to help a loved one. I don't understand addiction but have witnessed it with several individuals so I know there is something to it. I personally believe addiction can be solved or changed by shifting your mind set . I will stop doing X and put in the effort to stop doing X. The key is to want to make that change. If you don't want it, it cant happen. As a wiccan we believe when doing spell work one needs to have intent. You need the intent to make things happen followed up with working to achieve the goals you set out to achieve.
Its difficult to sit and watch someone not want to change when addiction has taken over their lives; to watch them hang on to influences that hinder their recovery and alienate themselves from almost everything they had in their life. You need to ask yourself how far are you willing to go to save said person. Like I said I went beyond what I really wanted to do but felt it necessary.
The control a person can have over another is both sickening and sad.  How that control is gained is equally if not more disgusting. IMO people that do these sorts of things should be quarter-horsed.  (and no i don't feel bad saying that). However, knowing that control is there can possibly work to change a bad situation that was fueled by the controlling techniques. Yes, I decided I would reach out to this individual as a last resort. If this individual helps  is another story. Either way it doesn't hurt to ask especially to save a loved one.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

First Real Post

Who I am. and How I got here.

Throughout our lives we have dreams. Dreams of becoming something big or someone famous. As times goes on those dreams are usually shattered by reality, a reality that isnt your own but by someone's perception of what reality should be. Their reality has a trickle down effect that impacts your ultimate goals and desires. Life isnt about what everyone else wants for you. Its about what you want out of life, your happiness, and your achievements. Once you are sidetracked from your initial dreams it is often difficult to find the path back. It only takes one person to help you reach that path.


Since it seems so many people are blogging these days i decided to jump on the bandwagon as well. Im sure no one will read this anyways which i totally get because i don't read blogs. So why am i doing this? who the hell knows. I think of doing things then just do them without giving it much thought. I highly doubt that i will post much (if at all) after this initial post.

If i do post here is what you can expect:
1) Discussions about my everyday life
2) Concerns, in-site and rantings about environmental issues
3) Political rants
4) Stupid and childish commentary
and finally
5) lists. Lists of what? we will have to see. Maybe groceries? Maybe to do lists? Not quite sure yet