Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Take Advantage of Me

Wow. Its been one year to the day that i did my last blog. Crazy. I guess life gets in the way.
Since last January i have spent the last year magnifying the end; but the end just wont come. Its close and will be done soon but it just seems to never end. I can tell you why -  procrastination (one of my faults). I have the ambition but i just lack the drive. The worst part is I know it and yet I dont do anything about it.....till this year.

2013 is going to a bit different for me in that I want to redirect my life. Redirect it to take advantage of opportunities that arise to better myself and my families life.

Events at the end of last year may have set a new path that i want to pursue. I am not going to divulge all of it at this point because nothing has yet come to be finalized; however, one thing i can say is that my research has been accepted to be presented at a major science conference. Even though it is just a poster presentation this gives me the opportunity to hob nob with the international science community. I will be speaking with as many people as i seeking out new opportunities. Oh, did i mention its in NOLA? Good times all around.

Another thing that happened late last year that set me on a path i want to pursue is becoming reiki certified. If you dont know what reiki is it can be explained as utilizing universal energy for healing. i have felt it and it is something I wont forget. I can put the feeling up there with the first time i felt the energy while casting a circle and feeling the heartbeat of the earth during a meditation. I will share this healing with people who want it, love donations accepted ;). Spirituality will be one of my focuses during this time. I  will be holding a dinner or circle for the sabbats this year, first one (third) being February 1.

Late last year my wife and I, along with our friends, did our first Toys for Tots drive. This is something i have thought about doing for a few years but procrastinated. Of course jennie is the type of person that is driven and when she wants to do something she does it. In this way I envy her. After mentioning this to a good friend, Henry, we rallied our buyu and had a great response. I wouldnt have done it without him. This year will be about giving back and helping those less fortunate. My son is at an age where is he now taking everything in and processing it. I want him to see that helping others is essential and the right thing to do.

Late last year I started a kids martial arts class based on the principles i have learned over the years of martial.combat art training. I will continue and grow this group. Jack said the other night he wants to be a ninja, i teared up a little bit. As always i will continue my training with all my great teachers. Also late last year i reconnected with one of my old instructors and now am a distant student of his. I cant be happier with this opportunity.

As i type this last paragraph i am reminded that the new year for us pagans/wiccans actually began October 31. I should say my new year is off to one hell of a start and it will continue. Whether you say the new year is Jan 1 or October 31 make the most of it and make yourself a better person. I plan on it.

Goddess and God Blessing and may the elements be ever watchful over your endeavors.