Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Take Advantage of Me

Wow. Its been one year to the day that i did my last blog. Crazy. I guess life gets in the way.
Since last January i have spent the last year magnifying the end; but the end just wont come. Its close and will be done soon but it just seems to never end. I can tell you why -  procrastination (one of my faults). I have the ambition but i just lack the drive. The worst part is I know it and yet I dont do anything about it.....till this year.

2013 is going to a bit different for me in that I want to redirect my life. Redirect it to take advantage of opportunities that arise to better myself and my families life.

Events at the end of last year may have set a new path that i want to pursue. I am not going to divulge all of it at this point because nothing has yet come to be finalized; however, one thing i can say is that my research has been accepted to be presented at a major science conference. Even though it is just a poster presentation this gives me the opportunity to hob nob with the international science community. I will be speaking with as many people as i seeking out new opportunities. Oh, did i mention its in NOLA? Good times all around.

Another thing that happened late last year that set me on a path i want to pursue is becoming reiki certified. If you dont know what reiki is it can be explained as utilizing universal energy for healing. i have felt it and it is something I wont forget. I can put the feeling up there with the first time i felt the energy while casting a circle and feeling the heartbeat of the earth during a meditation. I will share this healing with people who want it, love donations accepted ;). Spirituality will be one of my focuses during this time. I  will be holding a dinner or circle for the sabbats this year, first one (third) being February 1.

Late last year my wife and I, along with our friends, did our first Toys for Tots drive. This is something i have thought about doing for a few years but procrastinated. Of course jennie is the type of person that is driven and when she wants to do something she does it. In this way I envy her. After mentioning this to a good friend, Henry, we rallied our buyu and had a great response. I wouldnt have done it without him. This year will be about giving back and helping those less fortunate. My son is at an age where is he now taking everything in and processing it. I want him to see that helping others is essential and the right thing to do.

Late last year I started a kids martial arts class based on the principles i have learned over the years of martial.combat art training. I will continue and grow this group. Jack said the other night he wants to be a ninja, i teared up a little bit. As always i will continue my training with all my great teachers. Also late last year i reconnected with one of my old instructors and now am a distant student of his. I cant be happier with this opportunity.

As i type this last paragraph i am reminded that the new year for us pagans/wiccans actually began October 31. I should say my new year is off to one hell of a start and it will continue. Whether you say the new year is Jan 1 or October 31 make the most of it and make yourself a better person. I plan on it.

Goddess and God Blessing and may the elements be ever watchful over your endeavors.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy Gregorian New Year!!!

Reflection of our past is an important part of growing as individuals and bettering ones karma, energy, personification, being, or whatever you want to call it. Everyone we are close too and the ones we interact with can have an influence on our well being. How we deal with the outside energy that intertwines with ours can positively or negatively impact our days, months or years.

Contemplating my past 365 days I surmised that many energies both positive and negative were encountered throughout the year which leaves me filled with many emotions: joy, excitement, disappointment, anger, anticipation, and clarity to name a few.  All the events experienced in 2011 have helped me grow as a person and realize (not that i didnt already know) the most important things in my life are right here in front of me. I also concluded that when people are in a bad place they feel the need to force their contaminated energy upon you and try to force you down. These are the energies that need to avoided or at the simplest deflected.

Last year I also had the pleasure of watching a toddler grow into a smart little kid who loves life and live with an incredible woman who has been nothing but supportive in all my decisions (whether good or bad).

I also trained in martial arts with a great group of people (and will continue to do so this year), Henry Infante, Hetor Garcia Villamil, Dave Shorn, and Santiago Dobles to name a few.

This year as I plan out my next phase I want to surround myself with positive people, finish my Masters, and continue to see my son grow as the incredible kid he is. I also want to see that my wife is happy and is able to achieve her goals.

Happy New Year and I hope you 2012 is a great year full of success

Bright Blessings

Side note: The Gregorian Calender is a reformed calender presented by Pope Gregory X111

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Wheel has Turned

Happy New Year/Samhain to all the Earth worshipers out there. The Wheel of the Year begins anew October 31.

To Everyone else Happy Halloween. And to the Catholics Happy All Saints Day.

Wow. Seems like Oct 31st (and Nov 1st) is a pretty popular day celebrated by many different people from many different religions.

My studies of  Wicca (Celtic) have taught me that during this time the cattle were brought in  from the pastures and readied for winter. Bonfires were set around fields and ashes were spread in the fields to protect them from winters harsh conditions. Villages would light community fires as a symbol of togetherness and unity.  (frightening isnt it?)

Now for the scary stuff.

This is the time of year when that veil between the living world and the other side is thin. Spirits are said to walk among us on this night. People would carve spirits into turnips and place them outside their doors to protect them from unwanted spirits entering their homes.  So it is said that this is the time to communicate with and honor our ancestors and loved ones. Ouija boards are a great way to do this or setting up an area in your home with pictures of you loved ones who have passed over to the other side.  Catholics borrowed this day (Wicca/Paganism is older than Christianity by 10,000+ years) and established All Saints Day. A day to honor the Sainted ones.

Samhain/Halloween is also a time of year to reflect on the past year, the goals you established for yourself and if they have been successfully achieved. It is also a time of year to look to the future and set new goals for the coming year.

Colors associated with this time are browns, oranges and reds as representations of fall.

Gods associated with this time of year are associated with death. One that may be of interested is the Norse goddess Hel (not Hell but this is where the Christian Hell originated). Hel is the Norse ruler of the underworld. She determines the ultimate fate of people who have passed over.

Take this Holiday to reflect on your past, honor your ancestors, and plan for the future.
Happy New Year

Bright Blessings.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Banning Books

I have a very well behaved child. He doesn't back talk (much), he listens when we tell him to do or not to do things and he really didnt have terrible 2s and hasnt hit terrible 3s. (Well I just jinxed that). His kind heart shines when he unexpectedly utters an unforced apology for acting out or when he senses despair and wants to remedy the situation. That being said he does have his times when he pushes the limits.

We do not believe in spanking and no i dont look down upon those who choose to spank their children. I was spanked and I turned out somewhat normal. Anywho, i have to look at other nonconventional ways of discipline. He and I have established that if he hits or bites he gets toys taken away. The most recent being a toy gun i made him. Yes I made my child a toy gun. It was going to be a pop gun but i got lazy and didnt look for the tube that fits the corks. He bit me once and i warned him the gun would be thrown away if he did it again. Well the second time occurred so I had to "stick to my guns" and i threw away the wooden toy. You would have thought i started WWIII by his reaction. So once again he and I wheeled and dealed and we made an agreement that he would clean his room and help me do dishes for 7 days and i would make him a new gun. We are on day 3 and he is doing great.

  He loves to read books at night before bed and to be honest I love reading him books before bed. Book time is one on one time where I get to spend 30 minutes reading and laughing with on just the 2 of us. Occasionally I have to enforce a "no books" night when he acts up. Again WWIII waterworks begin. Little does he realize by me punishing him with no books I am also punishing myself. Whenever i lay down the no book law i always question if that is the right punishment for the crime but it always ends with him understanding that his rambunctiousness causes the outcome of not being able to read books.

As my old religion teacher would say There are always consequences to the choices we make.

Bright Blessings

Friday, July 15, 2011

You are an Oddity if......

Through my studies of Wicca I have adopted the belief of the three phases of life. For women this equates to the Maiden - young care free; Mother - caregiver, grounded; Crone - wise one. For men we cycle through as the Inseminator - young and dumb; Provider - care giver of the family; Sage - knowledgeable through experience.
The other day, I forget the situation I was in, but i realized I am no longer in the Inseminator stage. Yes i am still somewhat young and dumb (just look at my mutton chops) but I realized I have transitioned and have entered the world as Provider. During the Provider stage one reflects on accomplishments in their life.
I have accomplished a lot: I have a wonderful wife and son; I have traveled; we have moved to many different places and met some incredible people. The reflections that have run across my somewhat immature mind make me question my current and future state of affairs: Is being a 35 year old Graduate Student feasible for my family? Will we have enough to retire? etc. etc. etc. No, I dont think these are bad things to ponder; they are normal thoughts that come to mind and should be debated.  For a final rationalization  I look at the events that have unfolded this year with family and can only come to one conclusion: Life is short so enjoy it. Take each situation as it comes, live your dreams, be healthy and positive. Now I step up on the soap box - huhhuhuhhhmmmm....we as a society are entrained to view life as a downer. We are expected to look at people who roll with the punches, who minimize conflict, and seem too care free as oddities (Oddities is a great show by the way). We have become an 'Its all about me society." If we stop to help a person out or ask for help ourselves, follow our gut feelings, pursue dreams, take a moment to assess why a person may be upset, and look at our own faults we can all live a happier and healthier life. To end this post I will say I am very fortunate for what i have and I will do what i can to ensure it stays that way. Ok I lied one last little bit......In parallel with this "light" aspect of the Provider stages comes the dark aspect - being self centered and stubborn. So Jennie dont get too upset with me. Such is the cycle of life.

Monday, May 23, 2011

My moobs are under my dunlap

Well I had one of those moments. As I sat shirtless on the couch, drinking a large soda (yes i said soda) and wolfing down a Big Mac and fry, I looked down and saw what i have become: an out of shape sloven individual. It didnt really play out that way but that isnt far from the truth. Since prior to Easter I have been slovenly eating candy, fast food and drinking 2 sodas a day. Not being an active 16 year old anymore, my body tends to hold onto those extra calories and  promptly turns them into extra body insulation. Im not overweight by any means but rather have loss muscle tone. I am constantly reminded of this when I drive over a bump in the road and I begin to jiggle.  At least i can say I am not as large as i was when i was drinking beer every night, eating frozen pizzas and or chicken patties for dinner  (true story).

Trying to alleviate this issue i have been doing pushups every night since March.  I have seen my strength increase but have not lost much in the way of the moobs (manboobs). So now i have a new mission. Get into shape. I am now committing myself to continuing the pushups and will include situps and leg lifts. I want to tone up and at the same time gain strength. Look out ladies. Maybe in a year I will have the wash board stomach instead of the dunlap. My belly dunlap over my seatbelt.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Divine Femine

Spring is here in the northern hemisphere. Christians celebrated this time as Roodmas. This is the time of year that earth worshipers celebrate Beltane, the impregnation of the Goddess by the God. Maypoles are setup as a representation of the union between the Goddess and the God as a celebration of fertility. Crops during this time were still young and farmers would conduct rituals and hold celebrations to help their crops grow.

Spring is about celebrating fertility and thus those of you who are the closest to fertility and growth, women. From Gaia to the woman who gave birth to you, we should celebrate what they have given us.

Mothers are special people. They are life givers. Most mothers hold a special bond with their children and are considered nurturers and caregivers. They have an uncanny since of knowing when something is wrong with their child. A mother is someone who is always there for their children, a shoulder to lean on and will listen to problems.

My mothers uncanny sense of wrongdoing always seemed to be in full force in highschool. Somehow she always knew when we were going to be doing things were were not supposed to be, usually drinking. 

As I observe my wife and my son I see these same interactions. Jennie takes care of Jack: feeding, bathing, teaching.  Whenever Jack is upset he wants his mom. Whenever Jack gets hurt he cries for his mom (But that could be because he is usually under my "watchful eye" when he gets hurt). Despite my attempt of consoling him when he is upset he always reaches his arms out for mom.

The bond between a mother and son is different than that of a father/son relationship. Moms are always  there for you through thick and thin. I look back on where i have been and how things were held together and i can only think of one word: mom. Everyone has their faults and difference of opinions but at the end of the day Moms are always there for their children.

Jennie is an incredible mother and i can see that in Jacks eyes and actions. I may not say it enough to her so Thank you.

Take this time and season to thank mothers...and dont forget Mother Earth.