Friday, July 15, 2011

You are an Oddity if......

Through my studies of Wicca I have adopted the belief of the three phases of life. For women this equates to the Maiden - young care free; Mother - caregiver, grounded; Crone - wise one. For men we cycle through as the Inseminator - young and dumb; Provider - care giver of the family; Sage - knowledgeable through experience.
The other day, I forget the situation I was in, but i realized I am no longer in the Inseminator stage. Yes i am still somewhat young and dumb (just look at my mutton chops) but I realized I have transitioned and have entered the world as Provider. During the Provider stage one reflects on accomplishments in their life.
I have accomplished a lot: I have a wonderful wife and son; I have traveled; we have moved to many different places and met some incredible people. The reflections that have run across my somewhat immature mind make me question my current and future state of affairs: Is being a 35 year old Graduate Student feasible for my family? Will we have enough to retire? etc. etc. etc. No, I dont think these are bad things to ponder; they are normal thoughts that come to mind and should be debated.  For a final rationalization  I look at the events that have unfolded this year with family and can only come to one conclusion: Life is short so enjoy it. Take each situation as it comes, live your dreams, be healthy and positive. Now I step up on the soap box - huhhuhuhhhmmmm....we as a society are entrained to view life as a downer. We are expected to look at people who roll with the punches, who minimize conflict, and seem too care free as oddities (Oddities is a great show by the way). We have become an 'Its all about me society." If we stop to help a person out or ask for help ourselves, follow our gut feelings, pursue dreams, take a moment to assess why a person may be upset, and look at our own faults we can all live a happier and healthier life. To end this post I will say I am very fortunate for what i have and I will do what i can to ensure it stays that way. Ok I lied one last little bit......In parallel with this "light" aspect of the Provider stages comes the dark aspect - being self centered and stubborn. So Jennie dont get too upset with me. Such is the cycle of life.

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