Thursday, October 20, 2011

Banning Books

I have a very well behaved child. He doesn't back talk (much), he listens when we tell him to do or not to do things and he really didnt have terrible 2s and hasnt hit terrible 3s. (Well I just jinxed that). His kind heart shines when he unexpectedly utters an unforced apology for acting out or when he senses despair and wants to remedy the situation. That being said he does have his times when he pushes the limits.

We do not believe in spanking and no i dont look down upon those who choose to spank their children. I was spanked and I turned out somewhat normal. Anywho, i have to look at other nonconventional ways of discipline. He and I have established that if he hits or bites he gets toys taken away. The most recent being a toy gun i made him. Yes I made my child a toy gun. It was going to be a pop gun but i got lazy and didnt look for the tube that fits the corks. He bit me once and i warned him the gun would be thrown away if he did it again. Well the second time occurred so I had to "stick to my guns" and i threw away the wooden toy. You would have thought i started WWIII by his reaction. So once again he and I wheeled and dealed and we made an agreement that he would clean his room and help me do dishes for 7 days and i would make him a new gun. We are on day 3 and he is doing great.

  He loves to read books at night before bed and to be honest I love reading him books before bed. Book time is one on one time where I get to spend 30 minutes reading and laughing with on just the 2 of us. Occasionally I have to enforce a "no books" night when he acts up. Again WWIII waterworks begin. Little does he realize by me punishing him with no books I am also punishing myself. Whenever i lay down the no book law i always question if that is the right punishment for the crime but it always ends with him understanding that his rambunctiousness causes the outcome of not being able to read books.

As my old religion teacher would say There are always consequences to the choices we make.

Bright Blessings


  1. He woke up this morning and the first words out of his mouth were, "I'm sorry I bit daddy." Then he remembered he didn't bite you yesterday and he said, "I'm sorry for spitting on the mirror." He is a good kid:)

  2. Dante becomes devastated when he is "grounded" with no stories at night. I think that's a sign we're doing something right.
