Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Wheel has Turned

Happy New Year/Samhain to all the Earth worshipers out there. The Wheel of the Year begins anew October 31.

To Everyone else Happy Halloween. And to the Catholics Happy All Saints Day.

Wow. Seems like Oct 31st (and Nov 1st) is a pretty popular day celebrated by many different people from many different religions.

My studies of  Wicca (Celtic) have taught me that during this time the cattle were brought in  from the pastures and readied for winter. Bonfires were set around fields and ashes were spread in the fields to protect them from winters harsh conditions. Villages would light community fires as a symbol of togetherness and unity.  (frightening isnt it?)

Now for the scary stuff.

This is the time of year when that veil between the living world and the other side is thin. Spirits are said to walk among us on this night. People would carve spirits into turnips and place them outside their doors to protect them from unwanted spirits entering their homes.  So it is said that this is the time to communicate with and honor our ancestors and loved ones. Ouija boards are a great way to do this or setting up an area in your home with pictures of you loved ones who have passed over to the other side.  Catholics borrowed this day (Wicca/Paganism is older than Christianity by 10,000+ years) and established All Saints Day. A day to honor the Sainted ones.

Samhain/Halloween is also a time of year to reflect on the past year, the goals you established for yourself and if they have been successfully achieved. It is also a time of year to look to the future and set new goals for the coming year.

Colors associated with this time are browns, oranges and reds as representations of fall.

Gods associated with this time of year are associated with death. One that may be of interested is the Norse goddess Hel (not Hell but this is where the Christian Hell originated). Hel is the Norse ruler of the underworld. She determines the ultimate fate of people who have passed over.

Take this Holiday to reflect on your past, honor your ancestors, and plan for the future.
Happy New Year

Bright Blessings.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds terrifying. I'd much rather stare at the image of a man nailed to a cross and then ritually drink his blood and eat his flesh. That's way less scary than what you just posted, you heathen.

